Warners Bay Early Learning and Care Centre acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land; the Awabakal people on which we play and learn each day. We acknowledge and respect their spiritual relationship with the land.
Families and Community
Families are the most influential teacher in the child’s life, the link between the home environment and our learning community is vital. Through this partnership, we share a vision for supporting children to fulfill their potential and achieve best outcomes through a nurturing and stimulating learning environment.
We embrace the individual cultures that are reflective of our Service. We celebrate the differences and individuality that families bring to our learning community and incorporate these contributions on an ongoing basis.
We share a holistic vision for developing a strong sense of community spirit and establishing partnerships with the local community. These connections are crucial in creating a social connectedness and sense of belonging for children and families in the context of their local environment.
Our child safe organisation holds the children’s safety and wellbeing in the highest regard. By integrating these standards and beliefs into our practice we are advocating and promoting children’s safety, security and their rights.
We believe that all children are capable and competent. Through a supportive and nurturing approach, we play an active role in fostering children’s resilience, autonomy and self-confidence, as they discover their own sense of identity.
We believe children have the right to be able to take risks in a supportive environment, as children learn about their world through hands on investigations with genuine experiences. These moments build resilience, confidence in their capabilities, and a practical, real knowledge of the world around them.
We are committed to implementing and documenting a play-based curriculum and value the role we play in children’s learning. Our program is a powerful method of communication between children, educators and families, as it reflects the progressive journey of each child and our learning community. Written and visual documentation, family input and children’s ideas are valued, and integrated into our program and practice.
Our curriculum is underpinned by our connection to the natural world and children are provided with the opportunity to explore outdoors during all seasons to observe, explore and learn from the world around them. The environment, both natural and constructed are embraced as a powerful tool for learning. This is through learning environments that are thoughtfully planned, inviting and rich with resources developed as a place for children to communicate and direct their own learning.
Our program and practice hold a strong value in facilitating and supporting early attachments between children and educators. Secure attachment and forming trusting relationships in early childhood build a strong foundation for social, emotional and cognitive development in a child’s life ahead.
We view school readiness as an extension of a child’s development and shaped by life experiences.
We believe in an authentic school readiness that supports holistic learning with a focus on developing a positive disposition for learning.
We utilise the transition to school guide provided to the early childhood sector by the NSW education department.
There are key areas that the department focus on in providing a strong foundation in preparation for school. This includes critical thinking, problem solving, independent learning and agency, creativity and resilience.
Education surrounding becoming environmentally responsible is integrated into the program and our daily practices. Through fostering children’s positive connections, care and respect for their environment and the natural world is our way of building a foundations for the next generation of our lands care taker.
Advocates for Play Based Learning
We regard our role as vital for advocating for children’s right to play and share a vision for helping children to thrive, find their voice and embrace their individuality. We are dedicated to helping children build foundations to acquire tools for life-long learning. This is implemented through a balance of intentional teaching opportunities and child initiated free play experiences where children can have freedom to just simply ‘be’.
The learning spaces are designed to embrace and encourage peer scaffolding. These social opportunities are the foundations of building a sense of belonging, developing relationships, empathy and self-confidence.
Our environment is full of possibility to empower children to guide their own learning. The provision of resources and spaces to allow children to discover, create, improvise and imagine. Educators play a vital role in facilitating these learning experiences, through observing, supporting and encouraging our young learners.
“In any environment, both the degree of inventiveness and creativity, and the possibility of discovery, are directly proportional to the number and kind of variables in it.”
Professionals/ Leadership
Effective leadership promotes a positive work culture of respect, professionalism and integrity. Leadership roles are built on collaboration, trust and open communication. It is the ability to motivate, inspire, share the achievements of others and work together towards a shared goal. We respect and embrace the leadership skills within each of the educator and staff.
We are advocates for self-improvement, reflective practice and engaging in professional development to maintain a forward thinking approach to teaching in early childhood education. As educators we see our role as designers of innovative learning environments, facilitators of relationships that support all children and playing an active part in fostering child’s quest for knowledge and discovery.
Reviewed December 2023